Genesis Medical Research Corporate Sponsors Let's educate and standardize Diversity Training in Clinical Research
Sponsorship will support the mission to have all clinical research trial sites have the training message to understand the fundamentals of diversity in clinical research.

Corporate Sponsorships:
Partnerships that will change the world
Healthcare professionals all over the world will benefit from GMRG Academy with building and networking being key factors. The more HCP's sponsored, the better the chance for the best outcomes of clinical trials:
Platinum/Diamond Memberships will partake in every aspect of GMRG in order to continue to push the needle
Gold Memberships will keep you in the know of GMRG inner workings, changes within the climate of data collected quarterly and its impact.
Silver Memberships enables HCP's to stay relevant and educated day to day with our ever-changing climate especially on social media, how we market, advocate, and advertise change within the community and industry through our podcasts and webinars.
Bronze Memberships take a stand for and shows the medical industry and the community that you are a true advocate for change, and that you are willing to be a bold leader in the industry in regard to DE&I. You understand the need for change, and willing to support future training endeavors.
GMRG will change the narrative of diversity and inclusion across the board, with HCP's and within the community. By sponsoring/investing into our company, you will help to ensure history never repeating itself, and the continued building of rapport to truly recruit African Americans into trials, and the overall betterment of healthcare. The more investigators that are trained with our H.E.A.L. methodology, it will ensure proper diversity needed in clinical trials, to ensure better mortality rates within African American communities in diseases formally highlighted as high percentage death rates. Health is Wealth, and by starting at the site level, and investing in our front line healthcare professionals, will ensure better outcomes.
Frequently asked questions
What can this course offer that I cannot get in another online course?
GMRG realizes that there are different types of ways people retain information. This is why we've designed our modules to be interactive and engaging, with our workshops and energetic facilitators during our in-person classes. This makes sure investigators and HCP's are not only learning and understanding but building the confidence they need to communicate with patients.
Can anyone take advantage of GMRG Academy at its certification?
Yes. While this course is meant for HCP's and Investigators that are involved in clinical trials, this is most definitely a certification that any medical practitioner can receive. DE&I is a topic that is faced all across the medical and corporate industries, and having a certification that shows patients you've taken the time to become educated on how to better build rapport with patients and recruit them into trials is a great additive
How long will it take to complete the course, and are there any opportunities for grants or scholarships for this course?
The criteria for a scholarship begins with a short essay including why you've taken the time to complete this course, the impact you think it will have on your career, and what you think the climate change will be with our standardization across the medical industry.
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Guaranteed Security using one of the most advanced encrypted systems on the market.
The information in this page is being processed and encrypted securely using industry-leading encryption and fraud prevention tools.
Guaranteed Security using one of the most advanced encrypted systems on the market.
The information in this page is being processed and encrypted securely using industry-leading encryption and fraud prevention tools.
Guaranteed Security using one of the most advanced encrypted systems on the market.
The information in this page is being processed and encrypted securely using industry-leading encryption and fraud prevention tools.